About Lycoming Audubon Society

The Lycoming Audubon Society (LAS) is a chapter of the National Audubon Society, with responsibility for members in Lycoming and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania. We are a qualified 501(c)3 organization that works to preserve and enhance the natural environment, provides conservation education at all levels, and cooperates with other organizations and agencies that share the goals of Audubon. Our mission is “Birds unite us.* Enjoyment of birds and the natural world drive our education and conservation work, centered in communities.” (*Audubon Mid-Atlantic Values)”.
Conservation education and advocacy are important functions of an Audubon chapter. Since its formation in 1968 LAS has participated in the preservation and enhancement of the natural environment in Lycoming and Clinton counties through many activities. The chapter draws from its many conservation-minded members to identify and research issues critical to our mission, and voices an advocacy opinion on those issues when appropriate.
In addition, LAS members are also active in a number of broader important monitoring programs, including two annual Christmas Bird Counts and the annual PA Migration Count sponsored by the Pennsylvania Society of Ornithology. (See our Citizen Science page for more information.) Our community recognizes LAS conservation positions and expertise, and we are regularly involved through consultations, agreements and hands-on participation.
Like all Audubon chapters, our members enjoy birdwatching and an appreciation of 'nature' at all levels. We hold field trips regularly on an informal basis led by one or more of the chapter’s ardent “birders”. Everyone is welcome to participate regardless of their birding experience. Our meetings are open to the public and often feature a birding excursion or a conservation topics. Fall 2020 meetings will be held virtually over Zoom. (Review our Program and Field Trip pages for upcoming events.)
We welcome new members! (See our Membership page for information.)
The Lycoming Audubon Society recently received the 2019 Conservation Award from the Pennsylvania Society of Ornithologists at their annual meeting in Williamsport this past September. LAS received this award due to the conservation work that has been completed over the last several years by LAS. From legislative meetings with state, county and local government officials to construction projects for bird habitat improvement and educational outreach, LAS has continued to demonstrate that we are dedicated to preserving and improving the natural environment. We thank the board of the Pennsylvania Society of Ornithologists for this generous showing of appreciation for LAS’s work. If you have a conservation project that you would like our help in completing please contact us via our email: lycomingaudubon@gmail.com. Together we can make our environment better, by listening to the birds.
Lycoming Audubon Society's Google Listserv
Lycoming Audubon Society has a new mechanism to quickly notify individuals of bird sightings or impromptu birding trips via e-mail. This involves joining "Lycoming Audubon Society's Google Listserv". If you are interested in receiving these notices please send us an e-mail and we will add you to the distribution list.
Lycoming Audubon Society Board
Chapter Board Meetings are usually on the 4th Wednesday of the month. All members of Lycoming Audubon Society are welcome to attend Board meetings. Note that some people have multiple assignments in pro tem status and one Board position is vacant. Members interested in filling one of these positions or just learning more about them can talk to any Board member, by email to us or at any meeting.
President | Bruce Buckle |
Vice President | Ted Loy |
Secretary | Austin White |
Treasurer | Susan Braster |
Committee Chairs
Conservation | Sara Street |
Programs | Wayne Laubscher |
Newsletter Editor | Corey Breneisen |
Membership | Dee Gephart |
Education | Bonalyn Mosteller |
Field Trips | Drew Haussmann |
Community Engagement | Rhiannon Summers |
Webmaster | David Brown |
Director at Large | Jerry Miller |
Director at Large | Dorothy Holloway |
Director at Large | Don Pote |
Special Appointees
Christmas Bird Count Coord. | David Brown |
Contact Information
Lycoming Audubon Society
P.O. Box 4053
Williamsport, Pa. 17701
Facebook Group
Twitter (@LycomingAud)
Email: lycomingaudubon@gmail.com
We welcome your questions, concerns and suggestions.