
Lycoming Audubon Society meets at 6:30 p.m. the fourth Wednesday of every month except the months of June, July and August. The November meeting is the third Wednesday. Other exceptions may be due to facility scheduling. Meetings are free and open to the public. LAS programs are both in-person at the Taber Museum or via Zoom at the following link:

January 22nd, 6:30pm

The 2023-24 Red Crossbill Irruption in Pennsylvania - Wayne Laubscher
The program will highlight the major irruption of Red Crossbills and include general information about the species as well as an overview of the irruption and material about the confirmed nesting in PA this past year.

Wayne Laubscher recently retired from the Centre County Planning Office as Mosquito Disease Control Coordinator for Centre, Clinton, and Clearfield Counties. He is the Clinton County compiler for the PA Birds publication, a member of the Lycoming Audubon Society board and a board member of the Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology. He is a native of the Lock Haven region, residing in Swissdale.

February 26th, 6:30pm

Mid-Atlantic Pelagic Birding: The Where, The When, & The What - Paul Guris
The offshore Pelagic zone represents the most underexplored birding opportunity in North America. Knowledge of species' range and occurrence is shifting but much more slowly than on land where an army of birders is out in the field all year long. This program is an introduction to the different pelagic zones and seasons in the Mid-Atlantic region, the birds and other creatures that can be found there, and for those who have never been, an introduction to just how pelagic trips operate. It covers what can be expected, changes that have been noted, and some of the surprises found over the decades.

Paul A. Guris has been a birder, angler, and nature enthusiast for over 40 years. His first trip on a boat in saltwater was during his mother's 3rd trimester and boarded his first organized pelagic trip at age 15. In 2002 there was a lack of organized pelagics trips so, with the urging and invaluable help of his wife, he started See Life Paulagics which ran trips mostly from New York to Delaware for 18 years. Since closing SLP he has worked closely with several operators in NY and NJ to keep pelagic opportunities and discoveries alive.

March 26th, 6:30pm

Your Yard Can Be Good Bird Habitat - Jim Green & Dorothy Holloway
Description: Want to make your property more attractive to birds and the insects that baby birds need to grow strong quickly? Learn what you can achieve by using native plants and reducing lawn to make your property better habitat for birds, insects and other fauna and flora.

Jim Green’s passion for birds, conservation and the beauty of nature began with a high school field biology class. Becoming a homeowner 22 years ago sparked a new interest – how to make our yards more attractive habitat for birds and other wildlife. Jim has authored a ‘Gardening for Birds’ article in the Lycoming Audubon Society’s newsletter since 2008.

Dorothy Holloway has volunteered for conservation for years in Watershed Associations and the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy. When grandson Sam was born, the idea that there were less birds, less insects, less tress and more impermeable pavement now in the environment than when she was young, was concerning and it was clear where to focus energy. Dorothy worked with the Lycoming Audubon Bird Friendly Blooms program from 2020 to 2024.