Please Join or Renew your Membership with Lycoming Audubon!
The Lycoming Audubon Society is the LOCAL chapter of the National Audubon Society, covering Lycoming and Clinton Counties. As a member of Lycoming Audubon we encourage you to attend chapter programs and field trips, and become an active participant in our organization’s local conservation efforts, educational programs, and citizen science initiatives.
Members of Lycoming Audubon receive our electronic, quarterly newsletter, “Chickadee Chatter.” To join or renew and update your contact information you may:
1) Click here to join Lycoming Audubon without becoming a member of the National Audubon Society. The cost of a local membership is $10.00 annually, due in January of each year. Additional donations are welcome. Please make your check payable to Lycoming Audubon.
2) Click here to go to the National Audubon membership page to become a member of the National Audubon Society, which (for local zip codes) includes membership in Lycoming Audubon. The minimum donation for membership is $20.00 annually (note you have to enter this amount) with the opportunity to give larger amounts. Membership in National Audubon includes a subscription to the quarterly magazine "Audubon."
Please feel free to contact us at with any questions.