Volunteering is an important part of what we do!
LAS volunteers work with various community groups and local and state agencies and national and regional organizations on projects which benefit wildlife, particularly birds, and the habitats that support them. Some of the work can be categorized as “citizen science” in that the data collected locally is used as part of a larger survey effort. An example of this work is the Christmas Bird Count effort which LAS volunteers undertake in two count circles in Lycoming County each winter. Information on bird species and numbers of individual birds observed during the count day are forwarded to the National Audubon Society for inclusion in a hemispheric database which is used by many organizations and agencies to track changes in bird populations across the span of years during which the count has been done. (See our Citizen Science page for more information.)
Some of our volunteers’ efforts are geared more towards local habitat enhancement work designed simply to make life easier for some of our feathered friends. We cooperate with Loyalsock Township here in Lycoming County in the maintenance of their Riverfront Park/Canfield Island complex to enhance the habitat for various species of birds. We maintain a number of Blue Bird Trails and monitor reproductive success. We also manage "housing" for ducks and Purple Martins at various locations.
Barn Owls
For quite a while LAS worked with the Pennsylvania Game Commission on locating Barn Owls within our two counties. Boxes were installed by chapter members in many places in hopes of having a pair nest and rear young, but with little success. We no longer have an active participation, although the program is still on the books at the PSC Web Site.Some of our work is simply community service oriented, as in the four-times-per year litter cleanup that our volunteers do in participation with the PA Department of Transportation’s Adopt-A-Highway roadside beautification program. All of our volunteers manage to find some opportunity to do work that is personally gratifying and that they feel gives them an opportunity to “give back” to our fellow citizens and to the wondrous natural world that surrounds us all.
Service Opportunities:
Four times a season (March through October) our volunteers do an hour or two of litter cleanup on the 2.0 mile stretch of Old Rte 220 between the Twin Hills Cemetery and the Lycoming Mall. We typically gather 6 to 16 bags of trash which is staged for pick-up the following day by DOT personnel. PennDot supplies us with safety vests, gloves, bags and litter cleanup signage used to mark our activities on the designated days. Permanent signs along the highway designate the two mile stretch of highway as “belonging to” the Lycoming Audubon Society. We all take considerable satisfaction when we drive this particular road always noticing that it is the cleanest road around! Our volunteers gather at a local eatery for food, drink and good conversation after each cleanup.
Canfield Island/Loyalsock Township
The chapter maintains a "bluebird trail”, a series of bluebird nest boxes along the walking trail on the island. Our volunteers repair and replace the boxes as necessary, clean the boxes at the beginning of each nesting season and check and document the nesting activity at each box as the season progresses. Fred Stiner is our chapter bluebird guru and he coordinated this work. We also consult with Loyalsock Township on habitat improvement projects on the island and as the need arises we assist them in tree pruning and other habitat work.
Injured Wildlife Transport
Chapter members have signed up to transport injured wildlife to Centre Wildlife Care in Port Matilda. This rehabilitation center is fully licensed and endorsed by the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Once at the Centre animals receive nursing and veterinary care and if able, are released back to the wild. No experience is necessary, just a willingness to be on a call list to drive the boxed animal to the facility.
Wildlife in Need (WIN) Emergency Response of Pennsylvania
Wildlife in Need (WIN) is a statewide network of volunteers who help in the rescue of sick, injured and orphaned wildlife and assist in getting them to licensed rehabilitation centers in Pennsylvania. The public can obtain information on WIN and rehabilitation centers by calling 814-414-4224. If the animal is already contained, you will be provided with information on how to minimize stress, who to contact and where to transport the animal for care. If the animal is not yet contained, or it is at a place of business WIN can provide capture/transport services.
WIN is in need of more volunteers so if you have any interest in doing this important work please contact Sue DeArment at sdearment@windstream.net
If you are interested in helping, please contact us via Email
Project Wish List
Lycoming Audubon’s Board of Directors has a “wish list” of projects that we agree are very worthwhile. Realistically, the Board can not accomplish these projects without a “champion” to lead the charge. If one of these projects is near and dear to your heart, please consider “adopting" it with guidance, assistance and support from your LAS Board. Contact Joan at (570) 651-0131 to discuss further.
- Hawk watch on North White Deer Ridge (formal data collection for Golden Eagle migration at this location would be especially valuable).
- Conservation Education liaison with Rider Park, the Waterdale Environmental Center and others. Do you want to help teach youngsters about the magical world of birds? Sign up to help our group of aspiring educators.
- A cam site connected to our webpage (Peregrine or Eagle nest would be neat).
- Feeding station/birding program at a few local nursing homes.
- LAS Kestrel Box trail.