Bird photographs by our chapter members are presented in the first part of this photo gallery.

American Avocets - 7/4/17 - Williamsport Dam
First known recording of this large shorebird in Lycoming County
Photographer not identified

American Bittern - 3/30/19 - McElhatten
Wayne Laubscher

Black-bellied Whistling Duck -11/28/19 - Mill Hall
Wayne Laubscher

Bluebird - 12/31/16 - Lock Haven-Jersey Shore CBC
Wayne Laubscher

Bonaparte's Gull - 11/21/14 - Rose Valley Lake
David Brown

Great Cormorant - 10/20/19 - Colyer Lake, Centre Co.
Wayne Laubscher

Dickcissels - 5/27/17 - near Clinton County Fairgrounds
Wayne Laubscher

Dickcissels - 5/27/17 - near Clinton County Fairgrounds
Wayne Laubscher

Baby Bluebirds - 5/20/14 - Lime Bluff Park, Hughesville
Dan Alters

Franklin Gull - 5/2014 - Bald Eagle State Park
Wayne Laubscher

Glossy Ibis - 4/30/14 - Mill Hall, Clinton County
Wayne Laubscher

Golden Winged Warbler - 5/2015 - Bedford County
Wayne Laubscher

Golden Winged Warbler - 5/13/14 - near Lake Raystown, Huntingdon County
Wayne Laubscher

Grasshopper Sparrow - 6/29/14 - Sligo, Clarion County
Wayne Laubscher

Great Egret - 6/29/14 - Mill Hall, Clinton County
Wayne Laubscher

Golden-winged Warbler - 5/31/14 - Lake Raystown area, Huntingdon County

Golden-winged warbler - 5/27/15 - Everett area, Bedford County
Wayne Laubscher

Harlequin Duck -11/28/19 - Williamsport
Wayne Laubscher
Northern Harrier - Fall 2016
Wayne Laubscher

Northern Harrier - 2/11/14 - Montour County
Wayne Laubscher

Lapland Longspurs - Winter 2015
Wayne Laubscher

Long Tailed Duck - 1/24/15 - Susquehanna River Walk
David Brown

Lapland Longspurs, Snow Bunting and Horned Lark
David Brown

Magnolia Warbler - 5/17/14 - Lick Run, Clinton County
Wayne Laubscher

Peregrine Falcon - 7/8/13 - Market St. Bridge, Williamsport
Wayne Laubscher
Merlin -10/25/19 - Lockport
Wayne Laubscher

Northern Harrier - 2/11/14 - Montour County
Wayne Laubscher

Northern Harrier - 12/27/14 - Jackson Township, Lycoming County
Wayne Laubscher

Northern Harrier - 12/31/16 - Lock Haven-Jersey Shore CBC
Wayne Laubscher

Northern Parula - 5/17/14 - Lick Run, Clinton County
Wayne Laubscher

Peregrine Falcon chick being banded - 6/2015 - McElhatten Bridge
Wayne Laubscher

Peregrine Falcon chick being banded - 6/2015 - McElhatten Bridge
Wayne Laubscher

Peregrine nestling being banded - 7/18/14 - Muncy River Bridge, Lycoming County
Wayne Laubscher

Piebald hummingbird- 5/23/14 - Barbours, Lycoming County
Wayne Laubscher

Pileated Woodpecker - 5/27/14 - Barbours, Lycoming County
Wayne Laubscher

Pine Warbler - June 2015 - Scotia Barrens, Centre County
Wayne Laubscher

American Pipit - November 2014 - Muncy area
David Brown

Red Eyed Vireo - 8/18/14 - Woolrich, Clinton County
Charles Hildebrand

Ring Billed Gull - 11/21/14 - Rose Valley Lake
David Brown
Adult Rufous Hummingbird - 11/25/16 -banded in Elimsport
Wayne Laubscher
Adult Rufous Hummingbird - 11/25/16 - banded in Elimsport
Wayne Laubscher

Sandhill Crane - 1/10/20 - Jersey Shore
Wayne Laubscher

Sharp-shinned Hawk - fall 2014 - White Deer Ridge,
David Brown

Short-eared Owl - 2/11/14 - Northumberland County
Wayne Laubscher

Snowy Owl - 1/8/17 - near LeRaysville, Bradford County
Wayne Laubscher

Snowy Owl - 1/8/17 - near LeRaysville, Bradford County
Wayne Laubscher

Snowy Owl -12/19/17 - Keiss Hill Road - Lycoming County
Photographer not identified

Peregrine Falcon - 12/15/12 - South Williamsport
Wayne Laubscher

Trumpeter Swan - fall, 2014 - Susquehanna River
David Brown

Trumpeter Swan - 8/26/15 - Williamsport
Wayne Laubscher

Upland Sandpiper - 6/29/14 - Sligo, Clarion County
This bird is a rare PA nester and found in fields and reclamation areas.
Wayne Laubscher

Snowy Owl after banding - 2/28/14
Brent Bacon

Western Tanager - winter 2015/2016 - near State College, Centre County
Wayne Laubscher

Western Tanager - winter 2015/2016 - near State College, Centre County
Wayne Laubscher

Greater White-fronted Geese with Canada Geese - Feb. 2016
Centre, Clinton and Tioga Counties
Wayne Laubscher

Greater White-fronted Geese with Canada Geese - Feb. 2016
Centre, Clinton and Tioga Counties
Wayne Laubscher
Bird photographs and videos by our Facebook members are presented in this next part of the photo gallery.
Video, with soundThis was recorded by Facebook member Kelly Martin Catalano and posted March 8, 2019. Since then it has been "shared" over 92,000 times, apparently traveling the earth several times by the number and country-of-origin of membership requests during that time. Our facebook membership soared as a result. Thank you, Kelly!