The merchandise section is frequently revised. If you see something you like, email us at, since not all shipping costs have been calculated.
The Lycoming Audubon Society offers merchandise for sale through our website as well as occasionally on eBay. All funds raised through these efforts are used by the chapter to fund activities available free to its members and the general public. The links below will direct you to several categories of the items we offer.
Collectible Patches
Designed by wildlife artist Ron Beach, these four inch diameter cloth patches commemorate a chapter project or recognize an environmental or conservation issue important to birds and their habitat. The patches do not have an adhesive backing. The set consists of a chapter patch with no date and eleven collectible patches from 1997 through 2008. Individual patches are $1.00 (except Peregrine Falcon Project patch $5) and the complete set is offered for $15.00.
Bird and Bat Houses
Created by local craftsmen, these standard and custom-made bird and bat box houses are perfect for bringing birds closer for educational purposes or just sheer enjoyment. They also help certain birds which struggle to find suitable nesting locations due to habitat loss or competition from invasive species. Each type of house comes with instructions regarding placement, target species, and other useful information.
J. J. Audubon Reprints
There is a limited supply of these large format reprints of the timeless artwork of John James Audubon, which can be purchased individually or, in one case, a folio set of four species. The reprints are in two sizes, either 16 x 21 inches (image is 12 x 17 1/2) or 14 x 17 (image is 9 1/2 x 15). Each reprint is described in great detail.
Miscellaneous Items
Pins, photographs, artwork, reprints, and other items we have collected over the years are offered at great prices!
Printable Order Form
Please print, complete, include your check or money order for the full amount, and mail everything to Lycoming Audubon Society, Merchandise Order, PO Box 4053, Williamsport, PA 17701-6053. Alternately, you may bring it to any regularly scheduled meeting.